Discovery - Healing - Lifelong Learning
Patient Care
Call to Make an Appointment: Skagit County: 360.855.1021
Professional ​

Dr. Michael Lenarz practices at Health First Chiropractic, in Sedro-Woolley, WA. He has been in practice for 32 years. The primary focus of his care is utilizing a technique known as Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic. This technique is designed to balance the spine and promote health with precise and gentle adjusting. It is a powerful healing modality. Michael is certified at the Advanced Instructor Level by the Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Society.
Upper Cervical care is designed to help individuals fully express their own inner healing potential. Patients with the following problems are often candidates for this type of care:
Migraine Headaches, Headaches, Head Injuries, Whiplash, Neck Injuries
Other conditions that individuals may suffer from, that have been helped with Upper Cervical Care, include neurological conditions such as:
Parkinsons Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Meniere's Disease, Neuropathy and Neuralgia

Dr. Lenarz authored, The Chiropractic Way, (Bantam Books, 2003). This was the first introductory book about chiropractic, produced by a major publisher, in the history of the chiropractic profession.
He earned his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College of Chiropractic in 1987 and he completed the Blair Chiropractic Primary and Advanced Trainer Certification in 2007. He was chosen as Chiropractor of the Year for the Blair Society in 2003. He was also awarded Chiropractor of the Year from Sherman College of Chiropractic in 2012.
Lenarz is founder of Health First Chiropractic, with four offices throughout Washington State, and co-founder of Dynamic Life Chiropractic, serving people in Michigan. He founded The Chiropractic Way Consulting firm, and has worked with chiropractors throughout North America. Lenarz has served on the Board of Directors of the Blair Upper Cervical Society, and is a member of the Washington State Chiropractic Association, Sherman College of Chiropractic Alumni Association, and is past Chairman of Sherman College Board of Trustees.
He received the B. J. Palmer Philosophical Distinction Award at his Sherman graduation.
Dr. Lenarz's hobbies include gardening, traveling, and spending time with his daughter Jennifer and grandchildren, Kahlan and Rowan.
Are You Suffering?
Traveling -
World Wide Care
Due to Dr. Lenarz's experience and expertise in Blair Upper Cervical work, patients travel from throughout North America and the world to receive his services in Sedro-Woolley, WA.
Additionally, Michael travels regularly throughout the world to see patients in need of his services. This is for those who cannot find a local practitioner to take care of their needs. This exclusive service is available on a limited basis.
If you are interested in traveling to see Dr. Lenarz, or if you want to explore the possibility of him coming to your location, please call Darlene at 1.360.855.1021 to discuss details.