Discovery - Healing - Lifelong Learning
Blair Upper Cervical Seminars 2023
Dr. Lenarz will be teaching four Seminars in 2023 for doctors of chiropractic who are interested in advancing their understanding of the Upper Cervical Spine and the Blair model of subluxation analysis, detection and correction .
Intermediate - Opposite Side Adjustments: June 10 - 11
The Intermediate Seminar will include an in-depth review of the Primary C1 & C2 workshops. This class will then delve into the use of opposite side adjustments. This part of the Blair work helps to deeply understand the biomechanics of the Blair subluxation model. Much of the seminar will focus on practicing the adjustment using a Titronics Toggle monitor and video analysis, and on patient management.
Advanced - Double Misalignements & Complex Cases: August 5 - 6
The Blair Advanced Seminar will focus on double misalignments, which can be some of the most difficult cases you will encounter. We will spend time exploring how to help these patients and look closely at the clinical decisions that UC chiropractors make. Often times our clinical decisions can complicate our patient's condition. Learning how to avoid this scenario is critical, so we will take time to explore this possibility closely.
Once again we will spend time reviewing simple misalignments and practicing both simple and complex misalignments using the Titronics Toggle Monitor and slow motion video of adjusting technique.